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come down意思
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  • 降落,下来,(物价)下跌,(树)被砍倒,(屋子)被毁,传下来,没落,拿出钱来
  1. move downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way;

    "The temperature is going down"
    "The barometer is falling"
    "The curtain fell on the diva"
    "Her hand went up and then fell again"

  2. be the essential element;

    "The proposal boils down to a compromise"

  3. fall from clouds;

    "rain, snow and sleet were falling"
    "Vesuvius precipitated its fiery, destructive rage on Herculaneum"

  4. get sick;

    "She fell sick last Friday, and now she is in the hospital"

  5. criticize or reprimand harshly;

    "The critics came down hard on the new play"

If the cost, level, or amount of somethingcomes down, it becomes less than it was before.

come down在线翻译

e.g. Interest rates shouldcomedown...
e.g. If you buy three bottles, the bottle pricecomesdown to £2.42...

If somethingcomes down, it falls to the ground.

e.g. The cold rain camedown...
e.g. The curtain camedown after the first act...

1. 下来:我就是一只大老虎,你们就是小动物的妈妈,你们的手指就是小动物. Tiger来了你们就叫宝宝向上(go up)爬,走了就叫宝宝下来(comedown)

2. 落,下来:come across (偶然)遇见(或发现) |comedown 落,下来 |come from出生(于),来自


3. 下来;下降:bringdown 使下降;使泄气 |comedown 下来;下降 | cutdown 减少开支;砍倒

4. come down在线翻译

4. 冷静:41. Relax. 休息. | 42.Comedown. 冷静. | 43. Easy! 放松!

"come down"的基本信息





